So here it is! The list of aliases…
gd | Get Dirk |
gw | Get Whip |
gb | Get Bow |
gs | Get Sword |
gl | Get Lance |
gn | Get Noose |
gf | Get Flail |
noweap | Cease wielding current weapons |
tt <who> | Set current target to <who> |
t <who> | Same as tt <who> |
t1 <who> | Sets target1, goes to t2, t3 – t0 |
1, 2, 3 – 0 | Changes current target to t1, t2, t3 – t0 |
ctar | Clears all targets |
star | Shows targets |
ptells | Turns combat party tells on/off |
ctells | Changes party tells to clan tells |
core list | Shows your permanent enemies |
enemy list | Same as core list |
find q | Farsee all known Quisalis Marks |
find i | Farsee all known Ivory Marks |
find con | Farsee all known Contracts |
find lead | Farsee all party leaders |
seek q | Scry all known Quisalis Marks |
seek i | Scry all known Ivory Marks |
seek con | Scry all known Contracts |
seek lead | Scry all party leaders |
list leaders | Shows all party leaders |
core <what> | Switches to CabalCcore clan and sends <what> |
elders <what> | Switches to Elders clan and sends <what> |
mud <what> | Switches to Mudlet clan and sends <what> |
svo <what> | Switches to SVO clan and sends <what> |
scc <what> | Switches to SSC clan and sends <what> |
pro <what> | Switches to Project 9 and sends <what> |
rog <what> | Switches to Rogues and Wanderers and sends <what> |
pac <what> | Switches to Pand-o-Clan and sends <what> |
EVADE FOLLOWING (Only works with other Cabal Core users…)
ef <who> | Starts to evade follow <who> |
uf | Stops evade following completely |
elead | Sets you as the Evade Leader |
rh or lh | Sets you as either the right hand or left hand |
bprep | Sends a party tell that informs the Cabal to prepare for backstab, also echos the current target. |
ehelp | Shows a help file for evade following |
bs | Starts to backstab |
n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, in, out, u, d | Pretty self explanatory. |
ev <dir> | Evade <direction> |
d <dir> | Dash <direction> Note: Works with Shackles! |
f <dir> | Tumble <direction> |
diw <dir> | Dash <direction> Icewall opposite direction |
ie <dir> | Icewall <direction> then evade |
ow | Turns Overwatch on and off |
rs | Reset All Afflictions (twice for limb counts) |
red, blue, purple, green, black, white, grey, orange, gold, silver <#> | Dye arrows, ex. red 20 would dye 20 arrows red and envenom them |
iq | Inspect quiver |
putarrows | Puts all arrows in quiver and combines meteors and puts them in Bag of Stasis |
a1, a2, a3, a4 ,a5, a6 ,a7, a8, a9, a0 | Switch arrow colors. Red, blue, purple, green, black, white, grey, orange, gold, silver. |
met | Launch meteor at target |
m1, m2, m3-m0 | Launch meteor at target1, target2… |
met <who> | Launch meteor at <who> |
sn | Snipe all directions |
sn <dir> | Aim and snipe in <direction> |
sna | Arrow Affliction tracking, snipe all directions |
bite <what> | Checks sileris, bites venom. |
sum | Sumac |
xen | Xentio |
ole | Oleander |
eur | Eurypteria |
kal | Kalmia |
digi | Digitalis |
dar | Darkshade |
cur | Curare |
ept | Epteth |
pre | Prefarar |
mon | Monkshood |
eup | Euphorbia |
col | Colocasia |
ocu | Oculus |
cam | Camus |
ver | Vernalius |
eps | Epseth |
lar | Larkspur |
sli | Slike |
voy | Voyria |
del | Delphinium |
not | Notechis |
var | Vardrax |
lok | Loki |
aco | Aconite |
sel | Selarnia |
gec | Gecko |
scy | Scytherus |
nec | Nechamandra |
d1 | Doublestab Curare/Kalmia |
d2 | Doublestab Gecko/Slike |
d3 | Doublestab Curare/Vernalius |
d4 | Doublestab Delphinium/Delphinium |
d5 | Rip Venoms |
d6 | Doublestab Kelp Stack |
d7 | Doublestab Goldenseal Stack |
d8 | Doublestab Ginseng Stack |
d9 | Doublestab Epseth/Epseth |
d0 | Doublestab Epteth/Epteth |
d11 | Doublestab Voyria/Darkshade |
prep | Prepares for backstabbing, wields dirk, drops reboudning (svo users, stops smoking skullcap) |
bs1 | Backstab Curare |
bs2 | Backstab Gecko |
bs3 | Backstab Prefarar |
bs4 | Backstab Delphinium |
jh, jt, jra, jrl, jll, jrl | Jab Head, Jab Torso… |
y or yn | Yank target |
y <who> | Yank who |
b | Flay Sileris |
r | Flay Reboudning |
t | Flay Shield |
ph, pt, pra, pla ,prl, pll | Parry Head, Parry Torso… |
rb <who> | Garrotes who |
rb | Turns Rip Bashing on and off |
rb off | Turns Rip Bashing off |
rb on | Turn Rip Bashing on |
slain | Displays hunting stats |
resethunt | Resets hunting stats |
ripg | Turns gold gathering on and off |
h | Hypnotize target |
h1, h2, h3 – h0 | Hypnotize target1, target2…etc |
mes | Mesmerize target |
mes1, mes2, mes3 -mes0 | Mesmerize target1, target2…etc |
seal | Seal target for 1 |
seal <#> | Seal target for X time |
snap | Snaps target |
snap1, snap2, snap3-snap0 | Snaps target1, target2…etc |
loc | Suggest Locking Chain |
ash | Suggest Ash Chain |
bel | Suggest Bellwort Chain |
kel | Suggest Kelp Chain |
gol | Suggest Goldenseal Chain |
gin | Suggest Ginseng Chain |
lob | Suggest Lobelia Chain |
elm | Suggest Elm Chain |
epi | Suggest Epidermal Chain |
sle | Suggest Sleep Chain |
all | Suggest ALL Chain |
simp | Suggest Impatience |
sclu | Suggest Clumsiness |
samn | Suggest Amnesia |
sadd | Suggest Addiction |
spar | Suggest Paranoia |
slon | Suggest Loneliness |
scla | Suggest Claustrophobia |
sstu | Suggest Stuttering |
shal | Suggest Hallucinations |
spac | Suggest Pacifism |
shyp | Suggest Hypersomnia |
sdem | Suggest Dementia |
sdea | Suggest Deadening |
sepi | Suggest Epilepsy |
sago | Suggest Agoraphobia |
smas | Suggest Masochism |
srec | Suggest Recklessness |
sver | Suggest Vertigo |
slet | Suggest Lethargy |
sano | Suggest Anorexia |
sdis | Suggest Disrupt |
scon | Suggest Confusion |
sstup | Suggest Stupidity |
sgen | Suggest Generosity |
shypo | Suggest Hypochondria |
sa <what> | Suggest Action <what> |
sashtan | Suggest target enter Ashtan from Clouds |
sakick | Suggest target to Kick you |
sahead | Suggest target to Headbutt you |
satn | Suggest target touches a Gem of Negation |
neg | Secret Gem of Negation to target |
gneg | Get Gem of Negation from pouch |
sgold | Secret gold nugget to target |
raw | Raw Pickpocket |
raw <what> | Raw Pickpocket <item> |
spick | Snap, and Pickpocket |
spick <what> | Snap, and Pickpocket <item> |
sgene | Suggest Action Generosity, Seal for 5 |
sgag | Suggest Action Get gold from pack and pouch |
pm <what> | Raw Pickpocket <denizen> |
ww | Worm Warp |
wv, wv <who> | Worm Vortex Target |
wr | Worm Resonance open and close |
wc | Worm Cancel |
ws | Worm Seek |
splice <who> | Start Worm Splice with <who> |
pha | Phase |
unph | Unphase |
ccc | Conjure cloak and ghost |
bind | Binds Target |
bind <who> | Binds <who> |
wts | Webs and slits target |
slit | Slits target |
slit <who> | Slits <who> |
app | Appraise target |
app | Appraise <who> |
sc | Summon Snake to Ground |
sci | Summon Snake to Inventory |
ock | Order Snake to Kill Target |
ocp | Order Snake passive |
ci <what> | Conjure Illusion |
ci1 <what>, ci2 <what> | Conjure Illusion at target1, target2….etc |
cit <what> | Conjure illusion at target |
holo | Conjure Jonesey casting a Holocaust Bomb! |
illr | Illusion lost of rebouding |
ills | Illusion fake Snap |
sha <who> | Shadow person |
sha | Shadow target |
wev | Weaving on and off |
snl | Snuff Lightwalls |
lw <dir> | Conjure Lightwall direction |
fly/fly2 | Fly to Lower Clouds, Fly to Middle Clouds |
son/soff | Shackle On, Shackle Off |
ll | Strum Lyre |
gem | Toggles Get Gem of Cloaking from pouch, put Gem in pouch |
fw <dir> | Cast Firewall direction |
m | Melt Icewall |
iw <dir> | Cast Icewall direction |
eye | Get eye sigil from pouch, throw at ground |
cube | Get cube sigil from pouch, attach flame, drop |
od <dir> | Open door direction |
cd <dir> | Close door direction |
sd <dir> | Slam door direction |
ho <who> | Honours person |
ing <#> | Put gold in pouch |
outg <#> | Get gold from pouch (bypasses anti-theft) |
check <what> | Expert Diagnose affliction |
f/land | Fly and Land… |
j | Get journal from pack, write journal |
sq <dir> | Squint direction |
sqa | Squint All directions |
ob | Observe |
tto | Tunnelvision off |
fs, fs <who> | Farsee target, Farsee who |
scry, scry <who> | Scry target, Scry who |
cv <#> | Center map view on room number |
swho | SVO ONLY: Turns on people tracker for 15 seconds and plops them on the map |
lg | Look guard |
ink <tattoo> <who> | Gets inks required for tattoo, inks on person. (To ink on yourself do, ink starburst me) |
wt | Web target |
w1, w2, w3-w0 | Web target1, target2…etc |
web <who> | Web who |
tb | Brazier target |
tb <who> | Brazier who |
tb1, tb2, tb3-tb0 | Brazier target1, target2…etc |
x | Touch shield tattoo |
tp | Prism to target |
tp <who> | Prism to who |
tp1, tp2, tp3-tp0 | Prism to target1, target2…etc |
wm, wm <what> | Whistle Mount and Vault |
dm | Dismount |
mo, mo <what> | Mount |
v, v <what> | Vault |
mk <dir> | Mount Kick target direction |
mt | Mount trample |
dd | Diagnose |
shat <rl, ll, ra, la> | Shatter right leg, left leg…etc |
bh | Behead |
decap <corpse> | Decapitate a corpse |
dform | Enter Dragonform |
lform | Lesserform |
dheal | Dragon Heal |
flex | Dragon Flex |
da | Dragon Armour |
ds, ds <who>, ds1-ds0 | Dragon Sense |
en, en <who>, en1-en0 | Enmesh target |
view | Dragonview |
dt, dt <who>, dt1-dt0 | Dragon Track |
dh, dh <who> dh1-dh0 | Dragon Hoist |
dr, dr <who>, dr1-dr0 | Dragon Release |
dep, dep <who>, dep1-dep0 | Dragon Deposit |
db, db <who> db1-db0 | Dragon Blast |
rain | Dragon rain |
dg, dg <who>, dg1-dg0 | Dragon Gust |
storm | Dragon Storm |
brs, brs <who> brs1-brs0 | Breathstrip target |
droar, droar <who>, droar1-droar0 | Dragon Roar |
gut, gut <who>, gut1-gut0 | Dragon Gut |
re h, re t, re la, re ra, re ll, re rl <venom> | Rend Head, rend Torso…venoms are c and p, for Curare and Prefarar, so it’s…reh c (to rend head with curare) |
dbite, dbite <who>, dbite1-dbite0 | Dragon Bite |
cph, cpt, cpla, cpra, cpll, cprl | Claw parry head, Claw parry torso… |
dev, dev <who>, dev1-dev0 | Devour |
sweep | Tail sweep |
bec, bec <who>, becall, bec1-bec0 | Becalm |
dem <s/i> <dir> | Demolish stone/ice wall direction |
di, di <who>, di1-di0 | Incantation |
vg, vg <who>, vg1-vg0 | Veil Glance |
vd <what> <who> | Veil Deliver what to who |
ptv | Pierce the veil |
dc<p/i/s/a><delay> | Dragoncurse. P for Paralysis, I for impatience, S for sensitivity, A for Asthma with delay. (so, dci1, Dragon Curse Impatience at 1 second delay.) |
bs <dir> | Breathstream target direction |
dhelp | In-game help |
rips | Random Suffix |
riptips | Cycle some of my tips |
ew/lw | Enter Wilderness. Leave Wilderness |
ehar/lhar | Enter Harbour. Leave Harbour |
esub/lsub | Enter Subdivision. Leave Subdivision |
eu/lu | Enter Underworld. Leave Underworld |
ea/iwish | Enter Annwyn. Wish yourself out |
bp <where> <cost> | Buy ferry passage to where at cost |
fd | Ferry Departures |
rg | Renounce Grace |
oc | Offer Corpses |
si | Strengthen Icon |
cl | Check Logs |
food | Get loaf from pack, eat. |
card | Drop and activate Shadowsnake card |
makehelm | Give ores to goblin smith for Helm |
teach | Toggle auto-teaching on and off |
cfs <#> <price per> | Buy credits from CFS (cfs 2 6000) buys 2 credits at 6000 a piece |
getall | Get everything on ground |
corebug <what> | Send me a bug report |
riphelp | In-game Help menus |
riphelp2 | |
riphelp3 | |
riphelp4 |
as | All Stop! |
cp | Cross plank |
dis | Disembark |
entb/leab | Enter Bell. Leave Bell. |
ml | Map List |
win | Ship winds |
saa <what> | Ship announce what |
sd | Ship Dock |
sgt <dir> | Ship Grapple direction |
sh | Ship Health |
st <dir> | Ship turn direction |
ra | Raise Anchor |
lowa | Lower Anchor |
sets <10-100> | Set Sails |
rp/lp | Raise Plank. Lower Plank. |
row | Ship Row |
sr <what> | Ship Repair (all, hull, sails) |
gohome | Ship Return |
tmt | Board the Minor Threat |
rescue | Use Token |
tars <ship#> | Target Ship |
ssn | Ship scan normal |
ssb | Ship scan brief |
kh, kh <who> | Keelhaul |
swo/swf | Ship Warning on and off |
ssg <dir> | Ship look direction |
helm | Assume Helm |
comm | Assume Command |
sap <who> | Add boarding perms who |
srp <who> | Remove boarding perms who |
00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 | Set sails 00, set sails 10…etc |
pnone | No ship prompt |
pbat | Battle prompt |
pcry | Cryptic prompt |
pnom | Normal prompt |
ssg | Steadygoing |
smenu | In-Game ship Menu |
iss | Invoke Sea Spirit |
iwb | Wind Boost |
iws | Wavescythe |
ish | Ship Shield |
irs | Rain Storm |
ihg | Hull grid |
isg | Sail grid |
scu | Cloak Up |
scd | Cloak Down |
stf | Touch Figurehead |
tl | Tease Line |
jp | Jerk Pole |
reel | Reel in line |
cl <bait> <dir> | Cast line bait direction |
bait <what> | Bait hook with type of bait |
fishing | Fishing Stats |
infamy | Checks who list for Infamous |
elixsort | Shows elixers |
ripvial <type> <cost> | Fills vials with type at cost |
ripvenom <type> <cost> | Fills vials with venom type at cost |